State Department for Public Service HoDs Signs Performance Contracts for the FY 2020/2021

State Department for Public Service HoDs Signs Performance Contracts for the FY 2020/2021

State Department for Public Service HoDs Signs Performance Contracts for the FY 2020/2021

Today, Principal Secretary, Mrs. Mary Kimonye led Heads of Departments within her State Department in the signing of Performance Contracts for the FY 2020/2021.

During the signing ceremony she stressed on the importance of performance contracting as an accountability tool for measuring performance against negotiated targets.

“A performance contract is a commitment by an office holder to enhance their performance through the prudent use and management of resources as well as time so as to offer better services to mwananchi,” She remarked.

Mrs. Kimonye emphasized the need for teamwork to achieve the set-out targets for the State Department. She further asked the HODs to take charge of the implementation of the performance contracts within their departments and to ensure that they are cascaded to all staff.

She was joined in the signing ceremony by the Technical Advisors to the Cabinet Secretary, Mr. Titus Ndambuki, Ms. Catherine Wahome and Dr. Martin Kaumbutho as well as the Principal Administrative Secretary, Mr. Steve Ndele, who leads the Public Service Performance Management and Monitoring Unit.

The Public Service Performance Management and Monitoring Unit is domiciled under the State Department for Public Service and its mandated with developing, implementing and evaluating Performance Contracts in the entire Public Service including Counties.

By Andrew Ishepai


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