Sensitization meeting with Gender Sector Working Group, Bomet County

Sensitization meeting with Gender Sector Working Group, Bomet County

Sensitization meeting with Gender Sector Working Group, Bomet County

18th May, 2021: State Department for Gender Chief Administrative Secretary Hon. Linah Jebii Kilimo held a sensitization meeting with Gender Based Violence working groups in Bomet County to deliberate on ways of strengthening the groups and working with other stakeholders to eliminate the rising cases of GBV within Bomet County.

Speaking during the sensitization workshop, Hon. Kilimo emphasized the need to establish rescue and counselling centers to assist Sexual and GBV victims in their paths to recovery.

On her part, Gender and Social Services County Executive Council Member Alice Kirui called upon GBV victims to open up and report cases to authorities and not to be silent for them to be assisted.

The Ministry of Public Service and Gender is in the process of strengthening the coordination mechanism at the county level through the county gender working groups.

During the workshop, it was agreed that inter-governmental framework will be outlined between the National and County governments on the implementation of gender programs.

By Brian Were


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