CAS Hon. Elachi Inspects Huduma Centre Mombasa

CAS Hon. Elachi Inspects Huduma Centre Mombasa

CAS Hon. Elachi Inspects Huduma Centre Mombasa

Chief Administrative Secretary Hon Beatrice Elachi held an inspection tour of Mombasa County Huduma Centre on 9th June, 2021 to assess its level of service delivery to Wananchi.

The one-stop shops spread across the 47 counties have provided a platform where Kenyans are easily accessing various Government services under one roof hence making it cheaper, efficient and effective.

“As a Government, we are proud of the Huduma Kenya Programme which is one of its kind in Africa and beyond, we commit to ensuring that we do everything possible to better the Programme for the benefit of Wananchi.” said Hon. Elachi.

Prior to touring the Huduma Centre, the CAS held a courtesy call meeting with Mombasa County Commissioner Mr. Gilbert Kitiyo who briefed on Huduma Centre status and other National Government programmers within Mombasa County.

The CAS was accompanied by Huduma Kenya CEO, Mr. James Buyekane among other officials.

By Brian Were


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