Heads of Human Resource Management and Development Units Workshop

Heads of Human Resource Management and Development Units Workshop

State Department for Public Service Principal Secretary, Mrs. Mary Kimonye on 8th June, 2021 presided over the Heads of Human Resource Management and Development Units Workshop held at the Kenya School of Government, Nairobi.

The aim of the workshop was to address pertinent issues on Human Resource Management and Development affecting public service delivery and also to launch the Public Service HR Practitioners Welfare Association.

In her official opening remarks, the Principal Secretary said that Heads of HR should at all times provide appropriate Human Resource advisory to their respective Accounting Officers to ensure the smooth running of operations.

Mrs. Kimonye called on the HR heads to put in place appropriate measures that will lead to transformation in delivery of public services by focusing on performance management and measurement.

During the workshop, Public Service HR Practitioners Welfare was launched whose objectives are to ;

1) Foster and encourage cohesiveness of the HR Professional leaders and promote welfare activities amongst its members.

2) Organize for celebrations of distinguished service of the retiring principal members.

The HR heads were urged to continue ensuring the implementation of Government directives on issues such as mental health of public officers; the Big Four Agenda, the fight against corruption and improvement of service delivery to the citizens.

“I wish to reiterate that it is the responsibility of the Heads of HR to ensure full implementation of policies and regulations affecting staff in their respective MDAs, ” said the Principal Secretary.

On his part, the Chairman of the Institute of Human Resource Management (IHRM), Mr. Joseph Onyango who was present commended the officers for the role they play in management of human resource at their respective departments.

By Jacqueline Kirimi

CAS Hon. Elachi Inspects Huduma Centre Mombasa

CAS Hon. Elachi Inspects Huduma Centre Mombasa

Chief Administrative Secretary Hon Beatrice Elachi held an inspection tour of Mombasa County Huduma Centre on 9th June, 2021 to assess its level of service delivery to Wananchi.

The one-stop shops spread across the 47 counties have provided a platform where Kenyans are easily accessing various Government services under one roof hence making it cheaper, efficient and effective.

“As a Government, we are proud of the Huduma Kenya Programme which is one of its kind in Africa and beyond, we commit to ensuring that we do everything possible to better the Programme for the benefit of Wananchi.” said Hon. Elachi.

Prior to touring the Huduma Centre, the CAS held a courtesy call meeting with Mombasa County Commissioner Mr. Gilbert Kitiyo who briefed on Huduma Centre status and other National Government programmers within Mombasa County.

The CAS was accompanied by Huduma Kenya CEO, Mr. James Buyekane among other officials.

By Brian Were

Launch of Huduma Kenya Service Leaders Workshop

Launch of Huduma Kenya Service Leaders Workshop

8th June, 2021: Public Service and Gender Chief Administrative Secretary Hon. Beatrice Elachi on 8th June presided over the official opening of Huduma Kenya Service Leaders Workshop in Mombasa.

The 4 day workshop brought together centre managers and Huduma service leaders drawn from different Government Ministries, Departments, Agencies and institutions that provide services in Huduma Centres across the Country.

In her address, Hon. Elachi said that Huduma Kenya will continue to provide services to all Kenyans more efficiently and effectively.

“I would like to invite your commitment to Public Service Delivery, to keep engaging, resolving and innovating so as to build back better in terms of your role as the key drivers of Public Service Delivery in the Huduma Kenya Service Delivery Programme, ” said Hon. Elachi.

The containment and mitigation measures put in place by the Ministry of Health due to COVID-19 necessitated a rethink of the operations of the Public Service. This led to the adoption of new approaches and innovations to Service Delivery such as virtual meetings, remote working, and Service by Appointment at Huduma Centres.

Through the Huduma Kenya Service Delivery Programme the Government has changed the narrative for Public Service Delivery by setting high-quality standards to ensure the entire Public Service operates professionally, transparently, efficiently and is accountable to the citizens.

On his part, Huduma Kenya Secretariat CEO Mr. James Buyekane noted that despite challenges brought about by COVID-19, Huduma Kenya has continued and will continue to find better ways of providing services to Wananchi efficiently.

Currently, Huduma Kenya provides over 130 services in 52 Huduma Centres spread across the Country.

The services include; issuance of initial identity cards, issuance of duplicate identity cards, issuance of birth certificates, assessment of stamp duty and franking of documents, application for Access to Government Procurement Opportunities, registration of self-help groups and CBOs, registration of welfare Societies and Search of business names among others.

By Brian Were

Women Leaders Celebrates Newly Elected Chairperson of the KEPSA Board

Women Leaders Celebrates Newly Elected Chairperson of the KEPSA Board

Public Service and Gender Cabinet Secretary, Prof. Margaret Kobia, alongside her Industrialization counterpart Hon. Betty Maina, on 4th June, 2021 attended the Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) celebration event of the newly elected first female Chairperson of the KEPSA Board, Ms. Florah Mutahi.

Addressing the participants, Prof. Kobia said that it is encouraging to see women breaking the barriers and taking up leadership positions across all sectors.

Public Service and Gender Chief Administrative Secretary Hon. Beatrice Elachi urged the women to be bold and courageous and strive for leadership positions.

Present at the event were, Correctional Services Principal Secretary, Hon. Zainab Hussein, ICT Principal Secretary, Hon. Esther Koimet among others.

By Jacqueline Kirimi

Ministry of Public Service and Gender Commits to Support Women in the Bodaboda Industry.

Ministry of Public Service and Gender Commits to Support Women in the Bodaboda Industry.

The Ministry of Public Service and Gender has committed to support women in the Bodaboda industry.

Presiding over the launch of a training program of more than 100 women aspiring to be bodaboda operators in an event held in Kawangware on 4th June, 2021, Chief Administrative Secretary, Hon. Beatrice Elachi, urged the women to take pride in the male dominated industry and become self reliant.

Hon. Elachi assured the women of the Ministry’s support before and after the training which was organised by the Bodaboda Association of Kenya in collaboration with MOGO, a Bodaboda loans lender in Kenya.

By Brian Were

Workshop on The Strengthening of the Capacity of Law Enforcement Agencies at the Regional Level

Workshop on The Strengthening of the Capacity of Law Enforcement Agencies at the Regional Level

Chief Administrative Secretary, Hon. Rachel Shebesh, on 26th May, 2021 presided over a workshop on “The Strengthening of the Capacity of Law Enforcement Agencies at the Regional Level” which was held in Nakuru town.

In her address, Hon. Shebesh noted that the prevalence of Gender Based Violence and harmful practices is of great concern.

She highlighted the need to engage all stakeholders in addressing GBV by having an understanding of the common duty to protect all citizens – women, men, boys and girls – from harm.

She noted that no institution is an island and that cooperation and consultations are key to ending GBV. “We are focusing on strengthening coordination between duty bearers in measures aimed at eradicating all forms of Gender Based Violence in Kenya by 2030,” she said.

Hon. Shebesh urged the participants to ensure that the four key objectives are appreciated which include, increased access to quality and comprehensive response and support services across sectors; improved coordination and sustainability for effective programming for GBV prevention and response; progressive enforcement of laws and policies towards prevention of GBV and the elimination of social cultural norms that affect women and girls.

The Chief Administrative Secretary pointed out that successful implementation of the activities of the strengthened and sensitized duty bearers, rights holders and County GBV Working Groups will contribute to the elimination of all forms of gender based violence, inequality and discrimination.

“I call upon all to critically participate and internalize the strategies that we are discussing today. It is important to remember that outcome of this workshop will enable the smooth coordination of actions by all players including state and non-state actors in the implementation of our policies on eradication of GBV,” she said.

By Jacqueline Kirimi

Launch of Kilifi County Gender Sector Working Group

Launch of Kilifi County Gender Sector Working Group

Chief Administrative Secretary, Hon. Beatrice Elachi presided over the launch of a Gender Sector Working Group in Kilifi County on 22nd May, 2021.

The team was sensitized on the intergovernmental consultative framework and urged to step up the fight against Sexual and Gender Based Violence.

Also present was Hon. Gertrude Mbeyu, Kilifi County Women Representative and Mr. Kutswa Olaka, Kilifi County Commissioner among other national government and county government officials.

By Brian Were

Chiefs urged to help in curbing the rising GBV cases

Chiefs urged to help in curbing the rising GBV cases

19th May, 2021: Public Service and Gender Chief Administrative Secretary, Hon. Rachel Shebesh has called on Chiefs and Assistant Chiefs to help curb the rising Gender-Based Violence cases by arresting the perpetrators who commit the crime within their jurisdictions.

In her address during the operationalization of the Intergovernmental Consultation Framework for Gender Steering Committee Workshop held yesterday in Trans Nzioa County, Hon. Shebesh said that GBV cases can longer be tolerated and stern action must be undertaken against the perpetrators.

“If a Chief or Assistant Chief does not become the protector of the victims and rather becomes the negotiator for the perpetrators, he or she will be prosecuted.” Hon. Shebesh said.

On his part, Trans-Nzioa County Commissioner, Mr. Sam Ojwang said that suspects should not be granted bond or cash bail until their cases are heard and determined.“For us to win this, we have to make it difficult for the offenders,” said Mr. Ojwang.

The Ministry of Public Service and Gender is in the process of strengthening the coordination mechanism of managing Gender Based Violence at the national and county level.

By Brian Were

Sensitization meeting with Gender Sector Working Group, Bomet County

Sensitization meeting with Gender Sector Working Group, Bomet County

18th May, 2021: State Department for Gender Chief Administrative Secretary Hon. Linah Jebii Kilimo held a sensitization meeting with Gender Based Violence working groups in Bomet County to deliberate on ways of strengthening the groups and working with other stakeholders to eliminate the rising cases of GBV within Bomet County.

Speaking during the sensitization workshop, Hon. Kilimo emphasized the need to establish rescue and counselling centers to assist Sexual and GBV victims in their paths to recovery.

On her part, Gender and Social Services County Executive Council Member Alice Kirui called upon GBV victims to open up and report cases to authorities and not to be silent for them to be assisted.

The Ministry of Public Service and Gender is in the process of strengthening the coordination mechanism at the county level through the county gender working groups.

During the workshop, it was agreed that inter-governmental framework will be outlined between the National and County governments on the implementation of gender programs.

By Brian Were

Kenya On Course To Achieving Gender Equality, President Kenyatta Says

Kenya On Course To Achieving Gender Equality, President Kenyatta Says

President Uhuru Kenyatta has said Kenya has put in place a robust policy regime to enable it achieve gender equality, and empowerment of women and girls.

Speaking during the virtual launch of the Kenyan chapter of Generation Equality Forum at State House, Nairobi, President Kenyatta enumerated various initiatives the Government had put in place to ensure gender equity.

He said women are a critical national asset with great potential to shape, influence and contribute to all spheres of development, and that empowering them strengthens the family, society, and the nation at large.

“When countries respect women rights, promote gender equality, and put women and girls at the centre of their development agenda, their societies and economies thrive, and those benefits extend far into future generations.

“Indeed, women are the pillar upon which society leans. Women are drivers of family health and welfare; they inculcate values and nurture the young, and they exert a powerful influence on intergenerational outcomes for their children” the President said.

He announced Government plans to invest Shs 2.3 Billion towards prevention of gender based violence and progressively increase the funding to Shs 5 billion.

Further, the Head of State said the Government would ratify and implement the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention 190 on eliminating Gender-Based Violence (GBV), and harassment in the workplace by 2026.He said the Government would conduct a survey on GBV under the 2022 Kenya Demographic Health Survey in addition to developing a system for managing the vice.

The President further noted that GBV including medical, legal, and psychological support services would be integrated into the essential minimum package of UHC by 2022.

He said GBV survivors’ fund will be established in partnership with the private sector, civil society and other stakeholders for survivor’s economic empowerment.

While acknowledging the global nature of FGM affecting more than 200 million women, President Kenyatta enumerated achievements made towards tackling the vice in the country among them setting up an aggressive media campaign to end FGM in 22 counties with high prevalence.

“We have allocated USD 2 million (Shs 200 million) for the implementation of an inter-agency programme on the prevention and response to GBV.

“Equally important to highlight is that cultural and religious leaders from the Borana, Samburu, and Pokot communities have made bold public declarations, to eliminate FGM and child marriage. This includes the ‘Kisima declaration; which I witnessed in Samburu in March of this year,” President Kenyatta said.

Source: PSCU.

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