Celebrating Day of the Girl: Call to End FGM by 2022

Celebrating Day of the Girl: Call to End FGM by 2022

This year’s Day of the Girl national celebrations was held on 15th October, 2020 in Sololo Primary School, Marsabit County under the theme “My Voice, Our Equal Future.” The event was presided over by the Chief Administrative Secretary, Hon. Rachel Shebesh and acted as a platform to highlight the challenges of the girl child in modern society.

The International Day of the Girl is marked annually on 11th October to highlight and address the needs and challenges girls face, while promoting girls’ empowerment and the fulfillment of their human rights.

This year’s celebration focused on addressing their demand to live a life free from gender-based violence, harmful cultural practices and HIV and AIDS.

The event was hosted by the Anti-FGM Board in collaboration with the Marsabit County Government and the Borana Council of Elders, highlighted the needs to safeguard the rights of the girl child and provide them with equal opportunities to prosper and achieve their potential.

Girls empowerment was lauded as the precursor for accelerated national development and social cohesion as they constitute over 50 per cent of the world’s population. Speakers stressed the need to have girls protected from increased cases of Sexual and Gender Based Violence such as Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and teenage pregnancies.

The Chief Administrative Secretary urged the local community to shun FGM and maintained that the outlawed practice infringes on the rights of girls and women and is not a religious rite of passage and instead blamed retrogressive cultural practices as the reason the harmful practice is rampant in the county.

In her keynote address, the Chief Administrative Secretary, welcomed the declaration made by 41 Gumi Gayo, a Borana Council of Elders who renounced the practice of FGM. 

“I am impressed by the move made by the Borana Council of Elders today to renounce FGM. We appreciate this as we all put our best foot forward in support of H.E. President, Uhuru Kenyatta’s directive to end FGM by 2022,” she said.

Hon. Shebesh called upon the elders to help in cascading down the President’s directive to the grassroots level with a renewed focus on elimination of the outlawed practice. “I want to appeal to you the elders present here today to help us in cascading the President’s directive especially at the grassroots level where many girls are at risk of being subjected to FGM,” she reiterated.

The Chief Administrative Secretary also urged the local administrators and the community at large to support the move made by the elders to ensure that Borana community becomes part of the communities to achieve zero FGM by 2022.

Anti-FGM Board Chairperson, Ms Agnes Pareyio called on the Chiefs and their Assistants to support the elders through the implementation of the Presidential directive and challenged them to be his foot soldiers on the ground.

“Efforts should be undertaken to substantially reduce the current national FGM prevalence rate of 21 percent to zero FGM and other harmful cultural practices by 2022.This will be possible when all actors work together and support the campaign to end FGM and other harmful cultural practices,” she said.

On her part, Marsabit County First Lady, H.E. Alemitu Jattan acknowledged the efforts that have been done by the Anti-FGM Board towards the elimination of FGM. She, however, called upon the Government to put up more rescue centres for the girls.

Other leaders present were Marsabit County Commissioner, Mr. Paul Rotich, Anti-FGM Board members, Anti-FGM Board CEO, Bernadette Loloju among other National and County Government officials.

By Maurice Goga

KEPSA Supplier Diversity Summit 2020

KEPSA Supplier Diversity Summit 2020

The State Department for Gender Secretary, Ms. Faith Kasiva on Wednesday 14th October, 2020 attended a virtual #SupplierDiversitySummit2020 that was convened by the Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA).

The Summit sought to accelerate advocacy for greater supplier diversity for increased market linkages for more women, youth and Persons with Disability owned enterprises with the public and private sector and development agencies supply chains.

In her presentation, the Gender Secretary who represented the Cabinet Secretary, Prof. Margaret Kobia, appreciated the great partnership between the Government and KEPSA in ensuring inclusive business in a conducive business environment. She noted that the Summit fits well within the Government’s goal in promoting the socio-economic wellbeing of women, youth and Persons with Disability in line with Vision 2030 which stipulates that gender, youth and vulnerable groups are among the six sectors that drive the socio-economic growth of our country.

Ms. Kasiva observed that the world at large including Kenya is going through extraordinary times due to challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The focus of the summit, therefore, was timely and significant given the adverse effects of the pandemic on small and medium enterprises. “As documented, a pandemic such as the COVID 19, deepens existing economic inequalities, seriously affects engagement in economic activities especially in the informal sector which is dominated by women. The Micro Small and Medium Enterprise Sector has experienced various challenges including; falling demands for goods and services, supply chain disruptions, the tightening of credit conditions among others,” she said.

The Chair of National Gender and Equality Commission (NGEC), Dr. Joyce Mutinda challenged the Government, human rights bodies, the private sector and the media to recognize supplier diversity and establish a reward system for organizations that achieve gender equality and equity in their supply processes.

In her conclusive remarks, the Gender Secretary noted that the objectives of the Supplier Diversity Summit and the actions thereof should ultimately determine and demonstrate the benefits of inclusive sourcing chains including economic recovery and survival strategy now and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.

Present at the virtual Summit were Nicholas Nesbit, Chair of KEPSA; Dr. Joyce Mutinda, Chair of National Gender and Equality Commission; Ms. Eva Muraya, Chair, Gender and Youth Sector Board, KEPSA; and Ms. Catherine Musakali, Gender and Governance Director, KEPSA.

By Jacqueline Kirimi & Catherine Kamau

Women Enterprise Fund Validation of Credit Policy and Procedures Manual

Women Enterprise Fund Validation of Credit Policy and Procedures Manual

The State Department for Gender Principal Secretary, Prof. Collette Suda on Tuesday 13th October 2020, presided over the official opening of Women Enterprise Fund consultation and validation of Credit policy and Procedures manual event held at the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development, Nairobi.

Prof. Suda said it is time to improve the systems and leverage on technology to deliver the products which suits the Fund beneficiaries due to emerging market trends.

She pointed that Women Enterprise Fund is one of the best performing Affirmative Action Fund with a repayment rate of 95%, since its inception in 2007 the Fund has issued loans amounting to Ksh. 19 billion to over 1.8 million beneficiaries.

“The Fund’s impressive performance over the years and as one of the most successful Affirmative Action Initiative in transforming and empowering the lives of women and the society at large has continued to inspire us to review the existing credit policy to align it with the current needs of the beneficiaries,” reiterated Prof. Suda.

The Principal Secretary commended the work of Affirmative Action Fund Boards and management from WEF, Uwezo Fund and NGAAF for their effort in implementing the Government agenda to empower the most vulnerable women, youth and Persons with Disabilities economically.

From left: WEF Board Chairperson Commissioner Njoki Kahiga, National Assembly, Chair Special Funds Hon. Murungi Kathuri, Principal Secretary, Prof. Collette Suda, WEF CEO Eng. Charles Mwirigi and WEF Board members display WEF Credit Policy Manual at the KICD, Nairobi on 13th October, 2020

On her part, WEF Board Chairperson Commissioner Njoki Kahiga said the credit policy is under review to make it better. “We are inviting all the stakeholders to partner and walk with us in this empowerment journey. We are serving women who cannot walk into a formal bank and access credit,” she added.

The WEF Credit policy is undergoing its first review since 2011 to respond to customer needs. The Credit Policy: Introduces new products more aligned to the needs of the modern woman, addresses alignment of the credit department for efficiency, reviews the credit procedures to ensure enhanced repayments thus safe guardian taxpayer’s money and introduces tech-based services.

Among those leaders present at the event were Women Enterprise Fund CEO Eng. Charles Mwirigi, Chairperson NGAAF, Prof. Wanjiku Kabira, and representatives of the National Assembly, Chair Special Funds Hon. Murungi Kathuri.

Huduma Kenya roll-out Service by Appointment System (SBA)

Huduma Kenya roll-out Service by Appointment System (SBA)

Principal Secretary for State Department for Public Service, Mrs. Mary Kimonye had an interview at Radio Citizen today where she discussed the recently introduced Service by Appointment (SBA) by Huduma Kenya.

Service by Appointment is a new service that allows customers to book an appointment to seek services at select Huduma Centres. It has been introduced to manage the high numbers of customers that visit Huduma Centres and to reduce waiting time and queues.

During the Interview, the Principal Secretary indicated that the Service by Appointment had been successfully rolled out in Nairobi and Thika and that it would be replicated across the country. She noted that the service would provide convenience for customers and would ensure that COVID-19 guidelines were adhered to as it was expected to reduce queues and crowding.

Mrs. Kimonye acknowledged that there were challenges at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic where Huduma services were reduced to two. We had to withdraw most of the services and only issued birth certificates and identity cards however, the challenges provided us an opportunity to be innovative hence the introduction of the Service by Appointment among other innovations, she said.

On Tuesday 13th October 2020, As a follow up to yesterday’s discussion at Radio Citizen on the introduction of Service by Appointment (SBA) by Huduma Kenya, Principal Secretary, Mrs. Mary Kimonye attended an interview at KBC TV in the morning to discuss the new innovation among other new products that have been developed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The SBA has been successfully rolled out at Huduma Centre GPO which serves 5000 citizens daily as well as Huduma Centre Thika. To utilise the service, customers are expected to register and book an appointment on the website, www.hudumakenya.go.ke or call the Contact Center on 020 6900020.

By Nelly Kosgey



Principal Secretary, State Department for Public Service, Mrs. Mary Kimonye, on Monday 5th October opened a two-day workshop for Heads of Departments and other senior staff members in the State Department for Public Service at Kenya School of Government, Kabete Campus to sensitize them on Public Financial Management. The workshop themed “Building Forward Better” covered areas on Performance Contracting, Strategic plan, Budget Planning, Principles of Internal Audit and Procedures among others.

She noted that most of the HODs who doubled up as Authority to Incur Expenditure (AIE) holders played a significant role in the Ministry’s financial and accounting process. “Your role in the financial process is critical. We depend on you to help us assess the quality, validity, authenticity and usefulness of the approvals we receive as we strive to fulfil our mandate,” said Mrs. Kimonye.

Mrs. Kimonye indicated that the training was designed to be interactive to provide skills, encourage participation and exchange information among the participants. Further, she challenged the HODs to acquaint themselves with the Ministry’s Strategic Plan and the Public Financial Management Act (PFM) in discharging their mandate.

The workshop was expected to upgrade knowledge and skills to streamline the financial management process; with a focus on the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) guidelines and a linkage between Strategic Plan, Work Planning and Budget.

Principal Secretaries who are the designated Accounting Officers in various State Departments represent the National Treasury in making sure that finances allocated to their respective MDAs are utilized as per the PFM Act 2012 and subsequent regulations that supplement the law. These include Treasury Circulars that guide the Accounting Officers on effective financial management of the allocated resources. The National Treasury has been undertaking PFM reforms geared towards making budgets more responsive to the needs of (Ministries, Departments and Agencies) MDAs that are geared towards growth and development of the Nation.

Mrs. Kimonye urged the HoDs to be part of the team to provide technical input in the budget process in order to provide a budget that is aligned to the aspirations of the State Department and in line with the prevailing Government Agenda. The Principal Secretary also appealed to the HODs to use the workshop to learn and draw priorities for their various departments during a period of scarce resources.

By Nelly Kosgey

Official launch of End FGM by 2022 Campaign in Samburu County

Official launch of End FGM by 2022 Campaign in Samburu County

Chief Administrative Secretary, Hon. Rachel Shebesh on 1st October, 2020 led Anti-FGM partners together with other National and County Government leaders at the official launch of H.E President Uhuru Kenyatta’s directive to End FGM by 2022 at Allamano multipurpose grounds, Samburu County.

Hon. Rachel Shebesh called on women practicing FGM to surrender the practice and apply for Affirmative Action Funds to develop enterprises to economically empower themselves.

The Chief Administrative Secretary pledged full support from the Ministry to the Anti-FGM partners to ensure that the goal to end the vice is achieved.

“We have a responsibility as Government to protect our women and girls from the harmful practice and we must work towards this goal to eradicate FGM in Kenya for good,” she said.

Hon. Shebesh presided over the disbursement of Affirmative Action Funds from Women Enterprise Fund, Uwezo Fund and Youth Enterprise Fund worth over Ksh.18 million to various women, youth and Persons with Disabilities groups in Samburu County.

She urged the beneficiary groups to invest their loans in profit making enterprises in order to empower themselves economically.

Later on, Hon. Shebesh toured some of the successful businesses being ran by the beneficiaries of Affirmative Action Funds in Samburu County.

On his part, Chief Administrative Secretary for Ministry of Labour and Social Services, Hon. Patrick Ole Ntutu noted that Samburu community has a good culture of protecting their homesteads and urged the residents to protect women and girls from being subjected to harmful practices such as FGM in the same way.

Samburu cultural and religious leaders agreed to support H.E President Uhuru Kenyatta’s commitment to end FGM by 2022 and pledged to find an alternative rite of passage for their women and girls.

Leaders present at the launch included Deputy Governor Samburu County Julius Leseeto, Samburu County Women Rep Hon. Maison Leshoomo, Uwezo Fund Chairperson Prof. Turop Losenge and CEO Mr. Peter Lengapiani, Anti-FGM Board Chairperson Agnes Pareiyo and CEO Bernadette Loloju Women Enterprise Fund CEO Eng. Charles Mwirigi among other National and County officials.

By Jacqueline Kirimi

State Department for Public Service HoDs Signs Performance Contracts for the FY 2020/2021

State Department for Public Service HoDs Signs Performance Contracts for the FY 2020/2021

Today, Principal Secretary, Mrs. Mary Kimonye led Heads of Departments within her State Department in the signing of Performance Contracts for the FY 2020/2021.

During the signing ceremony she stressed on the importance of performance contracting as an accountability tool for measuring performance against negotiated targets.

“A performance contract is a commitment by an office holder to enhance their performance through the prudent use and management of resources as well as time so as to offer better services to mwananchi,” She remarked.

Mrs. Kimonye emphasized the need for teamwork to achieve the set-out targets for the State Department. She further asked the HODs to take charge of the implementation of the performance contracts within their departments and to ensure that they are cascaded to all staff.

She was joined in the signing ceremony by the Technical Advisors to the Cabinet Secretary, Mr. Titus Ndambuki, Ms. Catherine Wahome and Dr. Martin Kaumbutho as well as the Principal Administrative Secretary, Mr. Steve Ndele, who leads the Public Service Performance Management and Monitoring Unit.

The Public Service Performance Management and Monitoring Unit is domiciled under the State Department for Public Service and its mandated with developing, implementing and evaluating Performance Contracts in the entire Public Service including Counties.

By Andrew Ishepai

Ministry Disburses Affirmative Funds Cheques worth over Ksh. 99 million in Western Counties

Ministry Disburses Affirmative Funds Cheques worth over Ksh. 99 million in Western Counties

The Ministry through the Affirmative action funds namely; Uwezo Fund, Youth Enterprise Development Fund, Women Enterprise Fund and The National Government Affirmative Action Fund (NGAAF) last week disbursed cheques worth over Ksh 99 million to various youth, women and Persons with disabilities (PWDs) in Kakamega, Vihiga and Bungoma Counties.

Chief Administrative Secretary Hon. Rachel Shebesh who presided over the issuance of the Cheques called for sensitization and mobilization of the groups at the grass root level in order to increase uptake of affirmative funds in Western Counties.

She noted that the Government has purposely provided affirmative funds with an intention to ensure the vulnerable groups in the society can access affordable loans to open up small enterprises and empower themselves economically.

“We are calling upon all the leaders both from the National and County Government to intensify campaigns and sensitize women, youth and PWDs on the availability of affirmative funds which is now lying in various bank accounts. This money will enable them to open small enterprises and improve their livelihoods,” she reiterated.

Hon. Shebesh held discussions with National and County Government officials led by the respective leaders in the three Counties namely; Vihiga Governor Dr. Wilber Ottichilo, Bungoma Governor H.E Wycliffe Wangamati and Kakamega Deputy Governor H.E Philip Kutima, who welcomed the collaboration between the Ministry of Public Service and Gender and the County Governments including National Youth Service programmes and Affirmative Action fund uptake.

On the other hand, she asked parents to take their parental roles seriously arguing that the increased number of teenage pregnancies reported in the Country is at an alarming rate that needs urgent intervention.

“It is sad to note that we shall be sending back to school many of our girls who are now pregnant. This is not the vision we have for our children as Country,” said the CAS.

She further called for concerted effort to combat Sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV) arguing that victims are left to suffer in silence when the society remain silent in fighting the vice.  “Let us speak up and utilize the available resources including the toll-free number 1195 to ensure GBV victims access justice and get help at the right time,” added Hon. Shebesh

The Chief Administrative Secretary toured the Huduma Centres in the three Counties to assess efficiency of service delivery and the measures put in place to ensure safety of staff and the public during COVID-19 pandemic. She also carried out inspection on the ongoing phase two of ‘Kazi Mtaani’ Programme being undertaken by local youths and other self-help groups in those Counties.

Hon. Shebesh was accompanied by Chairman NYS Council, Lt. Gen. (Rtd) Njuki Mwaniki, NYS Director-General Matilda Sakwa, County Commissioners, County Women Reps, Women Enterprise Fund CEO, Eng. Charles Mwirigi, Uwezo Fund CEO, Peter Lengapiani and Youth Enterprise Development Fund CEO, Benson Muthendi among other National and County Government officials

By Catherine Kamau


Ministry Disburses over Ksh. 94 million Affirmative Funds

Ministry Disburses over Ksh. 94 million Affirmative Funds

The Ministry through the Affirmative action funds namely; Uwezo Fund, Youth Enterprise Development Fund and Women Enterprise Fund on Monday 7th September disbursed cheques worth over Ksh 94 million to various youth, women and Persons with disabilities (PWDs) in Nairobi and Kiambu Counties.

Presiding over the issuance of the Affirmative Fund Cheques in separate events held in Nairobi and Kiambu, Chief Administrative Secretary Hon. Rachel Shebesh challenged the beneficiaries not to fear Government Affirmative Fund loans that has been provided for their economic empowerment.

Hon. Shebesh asked women, youth and PWDs to form groups and register in order to apply for the free interest and affordable loans which will enable them to expand their small enterprises.

“Government Affirmative funds is giving all the women, youth and PWDs who are not economically stable an opportunity to empower themselves and open small businesses in order to improve their livelihoods,” said Hon. Shebesh.

She urged the beneficiaries to borrow more loans after repaying what they have already been issued with in order to continue growing their businesses.

In Nairobi County, the CAS paid a courtesy call to Nairobi Regional Commissioner Mr James Kianda accompanied by her Ministry of Health counterpart Dr. Mercy Mwangangi where they deliberated on the Government projects within Nairobi Region and how to ensure effective service delivery to Wananchi.

In Kiambu County, Hon. Shebesh paid a courtesy call to Kiambu County Commissioner Mr. Wilson Wanyanga accompanied by Kiambu County Women Representative Hon. Gathoni Wamuchomba and Affirmative Funds Board Chairpersons where they discussed on the disbursement of affirmative funds to beneficiary groups in the County.

Meeting of Commonwealth ministers for gender and women’s affairs on impact of COVID-19

Meeting of Commonwealth ministers for gender and women’s affairs on impact of COVID-19

Cabinet Secretary, Prof. Margaret Kobia yesterday chaired a virtual meeting of Commonwealth Ministers for Gender and Women’s Affairs on the impact of COVID-19.

The meeting that was also attended by Commonwealth Secretary-General, The Rt. Hon. Patricia Scotland provided a platform for the Ministers to share their country’s experiences with COVID-19, and in particular, its impact on women, and how they are rebuilding in ways that take into account a gender-sensitive response. Further, it also focused on addressing the structural and systematic changes needed to tackle gender inequality as well as building back a better forward amid and post the pandemic.

Prof. Kobia started off the meeting by acknowledging that the COVID-19 pandemic is not just a health issue but a profound shock to our societies and economies with women at the heart of care and response efforts. “In Kenya, women are playing a key role in responding to the pandemic as decision-makers, caregivers, frontline healthcare workers, community leaders and mobilisers, often at great risk to their health,” she said.

Chief Administrative Secretary, Hon. Rachel Shebesh presenting the Kenyan Paper during the virtual meeting of Commonwealth Ministers for Gender and Women’s Affairs on the impact of COVID-19 held on 3rd September, 2020.

Chief Administrative Secretary, Hon. Rachel Shebesh presented the Kenyan Paper where she highlighted the impact of the pandemic on women and girls and the measures that the Government had undertaken to minimise suffering.

Like many other countries, Kenya has witnessed a rise in Gender-Based Violence cases as a result of COVID–19 pandemic. Hon. Shebesh noted that it is through the leadership of women in Kenya at various levels, state and non- state actors that Gender-Based Violence is an integral component of the COVID- 19 response. “We have strengthened the medical-legal response to GBV, enhanced and publicised the national toll-free helpline 1195 and rolled out a public awareness campaign on prevention and response to GBV,” she said.

Within the COVID 19 pandemic response, the Chief Administrative Secretary also highlighted that the Government had created employment for women and young people through local manufacturing of face masks especially those residing in informal settlements.

Commonwealth Secretary-General, The Rt. Hon. Patricia Scotland addressing the virtual meeting of Commonwealth Ministers for Gender and Women’s Affairs held on 3rd September, 2020

In her keynote address, The Rt. Hon. Patricia Scotland noted that despite all the focus, effort and resource being expended to defeat the virus there is little attention on the diverse and devastating impact that the crisis is having upon women and girls. “Our purpose in convening this meeting is to start to address the distinctive and very particular impacts the COVID-19 pandemic is having on women and girls,” she said.

The virtual meeting ended with a clarion call from the Chair and Secretary-General, Prof. Margaret Kobia and The Rt. Hon. Patricia Scotland respectively, for members to focus on setting up Ministerial Action Groups which was a key commitment made when the meeting was convened in Kenya last year.

The meeting was attended by 25 member states.

By Maurice Goga

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