Archives April 2022

Safaricom and Mpesa Foundation launches Pamoja Tuungane Campaign

Safaricom and Mpesa Foundation have today launched Pamoja Tuungane Campaign an initiative aimed at rallying Kenyans to contribute in support of people in Arid and Semi Arid Land counties affected by the ongoing drought.

The drought is a result of three failed rainy seasons which has created food insecurity in 23 counties in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands with 3.1 million people in dire need of food with Marsabit County being one of the worst-hit counties accounting for more than 250,000 people.
Speaking during the launch held at Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC), Nairobi today, Cabinet Secretary Prof. Margaret Kobia said that the campaign will complement the Government’s ongoing interventions which include the initial allocation of KES. 2 billion to assist the affected households through relief food distribution, water trucking, and a livestock offtake programme. The Cabinet Secretary highlighted the government’s short and long term plans.
“As part of the Government’s commitment to both short term and long-term solution, KES. 46.8 billion has been allocated to address food security in the country for the Financial Year 2022/23,” said Prof. Kobia.

She said the focus for the government is to invest in community-based interventions that will build resilience in all the vulnerable households.

Mr. Peter Ndegwa, Safaricom Chief Executive Officer, said that there was need to strategise on long-term measures especially given that the main cause of such prolonged droughts is the effect of climate change.

“As we flag off this relief food today, we are well aware that we also need to have a conversation about long-term measures to tackle climate change and overeliance on rain fed agriculture,” said Mr. Ndegwa.

The CEO also called upon other corporate organizations and Kenyans across the country to support the cause through cash or food donations.

During the launch, Emergency Relief supplies worth KES. 100 Million were flagged off for 20,000 households in Marsabit County.

Kenyans of goodwill are urged to support this iniative by donating cash or food. The details on how to go about it can be accessed through
Also present during the launch were, Principal Secretaries Nelson Marwa, Senior Citizens and Specials Programmes, Mr. Micah Powon, Development of ASALs, Michael Josephs, Chairman Safaricom board among others.