Celebration of Africa Public Service Day 2022

Celebration of Africa Public Service Day 2022

The Head of Public Service, Dr. Joseph Kinyua on Thursday 23rd June presided over the celebration of Africa Public Service Day (APSD) at KICC, Nairobi.

APSD is an African Union calendar event celebrated annually to reflect on the efficiency of public service delivery and also to take cognizance of the achievements made in public service transformation.
In his keynote address, Dr. Kinyua acknowledged the government’s effort in creating an inclusive environment for the youth who are important in the use of technology to enable innovative public service delivery.

“As we balance between a sophisticated young citizenry and limited resources, it is of fundamental importance that the public servant is innovative, prudent and resourceful to ensure we meet the expectations,” he said.

The Africa Public Service Day celebration was a 3-day affair that brought together Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and the County Government who showcased outstanding innovations that have transformed public service delivery at an exhibition which commenced on the 21st June to 23rd of June.

While recognising the role of the youth in driving change, Public Service Cabinet Secretary, Prof. Margaret Kobia highlighted the need to focus on the youth in harnessing their skills for digital transformation in the delivery of services.

“The government is implementing a robust Public Service Internship Programme that will equip interns with practical work experience to strengthen their capabilities for accessing employment. While they undertake this programme we should tap into their digital skills,” said Prof. Kobia.
The ceremony included an award ceremony for government institutions that have excelled in public service delivery innovations.

Winnie Mburu

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